Big Oak Archery Club

Failure to abide by the following rules will result in disqualification or you may be asked to shoot through a special target, depending on the circumstance. Thank you.

Note: Due to the cost of trophies, we can no longer hold trophies or winnings not taken the day of the shoot. Please make arrangements to be there at the close of the shoot, or have someone receive it for you. Thank you and sorry for any inconvience.

CLASS AND EOUIPTMENT RULES (no crossbows allowed in any class, no broadheads, screw-in field points only):
1. Outlaw Money Class- Shoot what you bring (No equipment rules and no speed limit) - 50% pay back (1st place 50%, 2nd place 30%, 3rd place 20%). All pros and semi-pros must shoot in this class. Also, any bow shooting over 280fps +the 3% alotment for a total max. speed of 288fps will have to shoot this class or the Fun Class.
Note: All Classes, except #'s 1 & 4, have a max. speed after 3% alotment of 288fps.
2. Men’s Open- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows.
3. Men's Known Yardage- Shoot up to max 40yds, white stake, male & female, any age, any bow set-up, but the speed limit will be enforced. Rangefinder allowed for this class. Please do not divulge yardage to other shooters, or you will be disqualified if caught.
4. Womens Known Yardage- Shoot up to max 40yds, white stake, male & female, any age, any bow set-up, but the speed limit will be enforced. Rangefinder allowed for this class. Please do not divulge yardage to other shooters, or you will be disqualified if caught.
5. Men’s Hunter- Any fletch, moveable or adjustable sights permitted, no magnification, any type arrow with screw-in field point, no broadheads, maximum stabilizer length is 12 inches.
6. Men's Traditional- Recurve or long bow, no release aid, no overdraw, no stabilizer, no added weight, one finger must touch the arrow nock, no marks in the sight window, any type rest is allowed.
7. Womens Open- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows.
8. Young Adult- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows.
9. Youth- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows.
10. Cubs- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows. *May only shoot under immediate adult supervision.*
11. PeeWees- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows. *May only shoot under immediate adult supervision.*
12. Womens Hunter- Any fletch, moveable or adjustable sights permitted, no magnification, any type arrow with screw-in field point, no broadheads, maximum stabilizer length is 12 inches.
13. Senior Open- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows.
14. Womens Traditional- Recurve or longbow, no release aid, no sight, no stabilizer, no added weight, no overdraw, one finger must touch the arrow nock, any type rest allowed.
15. Fun Class- Shoot what you bring, except crossbows, from any SAFE spot for the fun of shooting. Keep score only if you want to.
Please visit the Classes & Fees page for info on shooting stakes used in each class, and for fees.

•All clubs will post the 12 ring to be used by all classes that shoot. Exception will be for targets or clubs using targets with one set of rings on targets.
•Scoring will be as follows: 12 – 10 – 8 – 5 - X. (X = a miss).
•All arrows must remain in the target until scored. No arrow will be touched by any archer until scoring is complete.
•The arrow shaft must touch the line in order to be scored at the higher value.
•The status of any doubtful arrow must be decided before any arrow is removed from the target.
•Arrows passing through the face, but still remaining in the target, must be pushed back through to be scored according to the hopefully trusted witness.
•Any arrow not in the target will be scored as a miss, except for witnessed pass throughs, which will be scored.
•In the event of a tie in any class, the 12’s will be counted, then the 10’s, then the 8’s, and then the 5’s. If the tie has not been broken, the archer that dropped points first will be moved to the lower place. If at this point the archers involved are still tied, a shoot off will be called for between these archers. The target location and distance will be determined by a range official.
•If a score card turned in is questioned by the shooter, then their two score cards will be checked, and the lower of the two scores will be used.

•No maximum draw weight, maximum arrow speed is 280 feet per second with a 3% tolerance. This will be checked at any time during the shoot. Anyone exceeding 288 feet per second will be disqualified, or must shoot at beginning in the Outlaw Money Class or the Fun Class.
•Groups will consist of not less than 3 and not more than 6 shooters. There will be two score keepers in each group.
•Each shooter will be issued two score cards, both score cards must be completed and turned in. If two completed score cards are not turned in, the score will not count.
•Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m.
•Before daylight savings time, score cards must be turned in no later than 5:00 p.m. in order to be counted. •After daylight savings time, score cards must be turned in no later than 6:00 p.m. in order to be counted.
•No archer is allowed to shoot alone or more than one round or in more than one class for score.
•No alcoholic beverage will be allowed on the club grounds at anytime.
•Archers must touch the stake with some part of his/her body during the shot.
•No rangefinders are allowed on the range except for use in Mens Known Yardage and Womens Known Yardage classes. Binoculars are allowed, but may be checked. Do not divulge yardage to other class shooters.
•After the shot, no archer may glass the target while remaining on the stake.
•All bows must be hand drawn and hand held (release aids are permitted in some classes), with no additional support. No crossbows allowed.
•A dropped arrow, is one which falls from the string in preparation for the shot or during an announced let down. A dropped arrow may be re-shot. A let down must be verbally announced prior to let down. Any arrow which is propelled by the string, is considered shot and is scored unless it was an announced let down.
•One group shall not hold up the following groups while looking for lost arrows.
A faster group may jump ahead of a slower group and come back to that target if possible.

Contrary to popular belief, these Rules & Regulations are NOT meant to be broken. Thank You.