Big Oak Archery Club

Officers & Members Duties
1. Organize and schedule club meetings
2. Set tournament dates
3. Approve ideas for club activities
4. Set-up annual meeting
5. Organize officer meetings
6. Appoint temporary officers
7. Aid other officers

1. Assist president with his duties
2. Assist with trophy set-up
3. Make sure food and supplies are ready for a shoot and stored afterwards
4. Get all concession utensils and pots are cleaned after a shoot
5. Keep track of club merchandise inventory
6. Aid other officers

1. Publish newsletter
2. Mail out flyers and newsletter
3. Keep files and records
4. Send out member info.
5. Maintain a roster
6. Aid other officers

1. Pay lease
2. Keep treasury records
3. Purchase and store trophies
4. Collect and keep track of all money
5. Pay for any receipts for material and supplies
6. Set-up restroom cleaning
7. Pay all bills incurred by club
8. Send Member info to NCBA
9. Pay for website
10. Aid other officers

Target Masters:
1. Make recommendations for new or repair of targets
2. Make sure range and stakes are set-up and safe on shoot days
3. Store targets
4. Check on Wood targets throughout range and practice area
5. Aid other officers

Webmaster: (not a voted on position due to the individuals personal information required to use web host
1. Maintain website

Note: All officer positions are nominated for and voted on by the membership, except during the course of year, in which the president may fill a vacant position until the next officer election period. All positions are voluntary.
No officer is paid to fulfill their position. If you wish to nominate someone or yourself for a position, keep in mind that you or them need to be a polite, courteous, honest, trustworthy, capable, and dedicated individual, and work and get along good with others.

Resonsibilty of Members (Including officers):
1. To help keep club clean and safe
2. Perform member responsibilities listed below
3. To work cleanup days and shootdays if possible
4. Offer any suggestions
5. To aid officers if needed

Responsibilities required to keep club operating smoothly are as follows (some things are done day before a shoot, some the day of a shoot, and some are year round, such as keep land clean and safe):

Year round:
Keep land clean and shooting areas safe.

Cleanup days: Day before a shoot and once or twice at beginning of year to prepare for season:
Can be done by 4 or five people in 3 to 4 hours, but the more help takes less time
Clean land and make safe for shooters
Clean and rake around clubhouse
Make sure grass is mowed
Weed e
at lanes
Put out items used for a shoot
Put out targets and stakes
Make sure restrooms are clean and fresh

Day of shoots (busiest time is 4pm until close gate due to card counting, cleaning up, storing supplies and targets, etc):
Need around 16 to 20 to run so everyone can have fun and shoot, but all help is appreciated
Put out items used for shoot
Work registration
Count scorecards as they come in
Work concession
Keep condiments table stocked
Keep ice on drinks
Work Chronograph
Work novelty shoot
Cook hamburgers and hotdogs
Maintain water jugs on range
Take memberships if needed
Get trophies ready to give out
Sale club merchandise
Count monies taken in
Get pots, pans, and utensils cleaned afterwards
Check range for any problems
Deal with any problems that may arise
Put up EVERYTHING that is stored in trailer that is used during a shoot, including trophies and stakes, concession items, etc.

Note: For EVERYONE to be able to have fun and be able to shoot, we need the help of All members, on one or both days of a shoot weekend. Help is needed both days, but as you can see, we REALLY need the help on Sundays, the day we have Our Open Shoots. It takes more help on day of shoots for everyone to be able to have fun and be able to shoot. We understand some folks may have to work, or other factors may arise to keep you from helping one or both days that weekend, but if you can, please come out and SUPPORT the club YOU joined. This club does not belong to one or five people, it belongs to the membership. The shoots are not to be run by one or five people, but by the membership. Remember, some folks that work the shoot weekends, their jobs are not done just because the shoot is over. They still have their officer positions to fulfill. This is a voluntary club and by joining, you agree to do your part. SUPPORT YOUR CLUB PLEASE.